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Undergraduate Thesis

​Fall 2012, Spring 2013​ - Roanoke, VA

For my thesis year at Virginia Tech, I chose to study the movement, interaction, and connection that is discoverable through a program that interacts with its occupants. I chose to start my project with an antithesis - big box retail. This building type is a prime example of built environment driven by economy of means and not the occupants who experience built form. I chose to undergo an exploration of how visible movement of building components can transform a space from background noise to a conscious form of engagement. I have chosen to complete this study throughhand drawings, physical models, and computer software (Revit and AutoCAD). I chose to 'replace' a Food Lion grocery in Roanoke, VA to heighten the differentiation between the existing shopping center and my proposition. The plan was designed to incorporate sustainable design elements, promote health of community members, and impact industry in terms of atmosphere, spatial consideration, products, and relationships.  ​

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Copyright 2019 Anne Lebo. No college students were harmed in the making of this site.

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