What's your story?
This post is a continuation of my previous post, "Storytelling for Architects". The previous post was part of a series called #architalks...
Storytelling for Architects
This post is part of the ArchiTalks series where a group of architects all post on the same topic at the same time. This is my first post...

StartFragment x-tinymce/html Last week I had the privilege of attending my first convention, hosted by the American Institute of...

winter weather and spring blooming bulbs
There's really a lot to love about spring, but a few things are just scrumptious icing on a fabulous cake. I love feeling extra warmth in...

NCARB and all the letters
A big part of the personal journey I've been on included participating NCARB's AXP. The Architectural Experience Program is a way to...
ryōkan, the poet
Ryokan was a Soto Zen Buddhist monk from the late 17th century who lived in relative seclusion. In the buddhist tradition, monks are not...

jargon is good because details are important
There's a reason that architects, like scientists, have their own jargon. In fact, we share a lot of jargon with a wide variety of...

hal box - the genius of the basics
Is a creative career worth the effort? How do you see architectural design as a vehicle for lifting up others? How does your personal...

finding more creativity - four discoveries
In the seventh grade I designed my first house. In my 13 year old mind it was perfect, but the reality is quite the opposite. The house...

who are you? part two!
In my freshman year at Virginia Tech, we were required to take many different personality assessments and leadership style surveys. The...